Friday, February 14, 2014

Social Media Continues to Grow

Media and Internet sources have developed so much in the last 5 years. I have been far more advanced than most and have had a blog for many years. Blogs are a way for family members, friends, and even society to keep up with your personal life. Facebook and Blogs were the first ways to start social media; however, we now have sites like Instragram and Pinterest. Pinterest is a way for your blogs to be marketed in mass production.

In the next 5 years, the Internet will continue to grow in followers as there means of communication, news, and entertainment. There are less and less forms of written books, newspapers, magazines and even textbooks. Everything has gone virtual and it will continue too. In the last few days, I have discovered a new App on the Iphone called "Next Issue", it is a way to read magazines through the Internet. This site is helpful because you can read your magazine everywhere you go instead of the magazine's to just sit on your coffee table and soon to be thrown in the trash. Also, we see this with books through our Kindles and Ipad's. Technology continues to advance and its neat to see it continue to change. 

It is so important for us to continue to grow and learn continually or we will be left behind. I am an older distance education student and I have been to traditional college. In my early 20s, I thought learning would just stop but I have seen its only just the beginning. 

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